EPIC Aftercare

EPIC Aftercare is available to all learners (CK-C3) at Pike Road Elementary School. It is Monday-Friday from school dismissal until 6pm. During EPIC, learners will enjoy snack time, art activities, STEM experiments, team building games, daily playground time, and more! EPIC (Expanding Patriot's Intellectual Curiosity) has a focus on kindness and mindfulness for kids.
Registration paperwork must be received and approved prior to a child's participation in the program. If you are interested in EPIC, please email your completed registration form to EPIC@pikeroadschools.org. Once your paperwork has been received, you will be emailed additional information about EPIC and how to pay your fees.
Please click here to access the EPIC Program Handbook.
Please click here to access the EPIC Registration Form.
Additional After School Opportunities
PRES is excited to invite learners to additional after school opportunities offered by third party vendors. Registration information and pricing is available in the front office.
Abrakadoodle Art
Barber Elite Soccer
Chess Club
Docarmo's Taekwondo
Pike Road Dance Academy
Tonya Speed Dance
PRES Musical Theater Workshop